Sony and Microsoft really are propping up AMD’s beleaguered GPU business right now-

AMD has released its Q2 financials and while it is better news than estimates were predicting, it still tells a sorry story for its GPU division. The gaming segment of AMD’s business is still profitable, and all that is down to the work it has put into bagging the bragging rights to power both Microsoft and Sony’s games consoles.

Both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S use AMD semi-custom silicon, and that’s part of the company’s gaming segment. It’s been gaining revenue consistently throughout this year, but, because of the continued decline in Radeon GPU sales, both its revenue and operating income are down compared to its Q1 results, let alone the year-on-year numbers.

We’re used to seeing things drop compared to the same period last year, which, for AMD, was the peak …

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Skyrim’s former design lead tips his hat to Baldur’s Gate 3- ‘Very few of the decisions in a Bethesda game feel highly meaningful, you get maybe three or four’-

In Starfield, there’s a quest where you get to betray a major player. I’m going to keep the details vague to avoid spoilers, but in a lot of other RPGs this would be a massive story moment. If you walk down this path, you’ll never be able to interact with that faction again. You’re signing up for this life over that one.

Ultimately, bar losing access to said faction’s mission board, nothing really happens. You can still do quests for them, and only the chunk of the faction related to that questline really cares. Granted, this is borderline Bethesda tradition. In Oblivion for example you could be a master thief, head of the fighter’s guild, top of the mage’s guild, and a renowned assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, all at once.

That’s somethin…

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Swearing rats mod for Oblivion puts its vermin in permanent meltdown mode-

Oblivion’s rats are now as uncouth as they are unclean, thanks to a mod from creator DavaScript that imbues the game’s rodents with all the unbridled rage of early 2000s internet. The Swearing Rats mod uses clips from an infamous (and ancient) Ventrilo user meltdown to turn their squeaks and yelps into a barrage of inventive invective. There is no reason for it to exist and we should all be very thankful it does.

The mod is scarily effective. Hearing Oblivion’s rats—probably the weakest enemies in the whole game—threaten to tear off various of my appendages and find new homes for them in other parts of my body really does make them quite a bit more intimidating than they usually are. It’s like being pursued by a hundred four-legged versions of Malcolm Tucker; I can’t t…

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